[ Metaverse Korea 2023 & KES 2023 Booth Layout ]

조회수 93

  • Hello,
  • This is the Metaverse Korea Secretariat. 

  • 2023 Metaverse Korea is just a week away now!

  • We would like to announce the booth layout for the 2023 Metaverse Korea and KES 2023(Korea Electronics Show). 
  • Please refer to the attached image and file. 

  • Metaverse Korea will take place in Hall B. 

  • Thank you. 

Xpatial Korea 사무국 xpatial korea

05561 서울특별시 송파구 백제고분로 9길 5 스토리2003빌딩
상호 : 주식회사 엑스포럼 대표 : 신현대 
사업자번호 : 120-86-50341 

T. 02-6000-6712

E. contact@xpatialkorea.com

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